Who I Am & Why I Love Myself

Who I Am & Why I Love Myself

This Is Me

I love to love me, and I love to love you! That's what I am about ... self-love, self-respect and empowerment. As a coach, writer and animal lover, I love to love. My work allows me to empower you to be your best authentic self. What do I get out of it? I get an uplifting sense of pride when you are smiling at being you, and this leaves me with the best feel-good feeling I have ever felt.

My family and friends see me as a caring, tenacious, honest, fun, affectionate, sassy and 100% me. My brain to mouth filter lacks from time to time, and this means that everyone knows that anything can happen when we are together.  I love dressing up as well as camping out in the bush, I love to cook with whole foods to eat healthily but while I travel all bets are off - I want all the food. I put myself and my loved ones first. I love doing small thoughtful things (gifts, cards, cooking or favours) for people. I like to tell and show the people around me that I care. I love my alone time to reflect on myself and my goals. Silence is golden, but too much of it makes me go mental. I am just enough yin and yang.

My Family

Do you love comfortable silence? I do. So does Mark, my knight in shining armour. Mark is my best friend, my lover and my rock. We love each other for our similarities and differences, most of the time (we are human haha!). We are imperfectly perfect for each other. We have a lovely dog named Buddy (follow him on Instagram: @buddy_dayz). It's us against the world. He is this little ball of energy outside that will not stop, not ever, not until we all go inside.  Inside, he is my cuddly little pupper. I love everything about him. There is also our cat, Ruby. I renamed her Puppy when we first met... wasn't a fan of cats. She's not as important as Buddy because she doesn't like him. A $700 vet bill from an eye scratch confirmed this. However, she's teaching me a lot. She's showing me not to judge her for being who she is and instead to love her for who she is.  how the little things that she does, man - they melt my heart. Ruby does not have an Instagram account.

I have the paw-fect family of four. After big days at work, I love coming home to us all sitting on the couch together (Buddy and Ruby at opposite ends since we all like our eyes the way they are) and watching The Big Bang Theory. It works for us.

2017 - Mark, Buddy, and myself while celebrating Buddy's 2nd birthday.

2017 - Mark, Buddy, and myself while celebrating Buddy's 2nd birthday.

What Made Me Me

I am the type of person that if you tell me not to do something, I am going to try and do it. I don't mean this in a mean or malicious way, but I have always had this feeling that if someone tells you that you can't do something, it's not because you can't do it... something is holding that person back from doing it. I am just here to show you that anything is possible.

My Mom put up with me and all my antics growing up with my can-do attitude. My Dad as well, but I think I 'get it from my Mama'. I am so similar to her... I am the second child that is a replica. I grew up very similar to my Mom which this gave my Grandmother a great laugh. My Mom is an independent woman that goes after what she wants. I am proud to be like her. I like to think I have made her proud. It all started back when I was in school:

  •     You should hang-out with kids your age... I hung out with my older sister and friends my her age... along with some friends my own age.
  •     You can't have a boyfriend until you are 16... I dated when I was 14, but he was 16 (A play on the rules? yes.).
  •     You can't leave high school early... My senior year of high school was complete when I was a freshman away at SUNY Fredonia (and I was only 17!).
  •     You shouldn't go to Australia... 2007/2008 I completed my Master at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia and I became a Citizen on 20 October 2015 (I never intended to stay, but I never made plans to leave...) 11 years later, I am home.
  •     You have to work 9 -5 for someone else... Welcome to my passion, helping you love you for who you are! We are both worth it!
  •     You are the worlds worst speller... Doesn't mean I can't write (thank you technology!).
2013 - My Mom and I during her visit to Far North Queensland in 2017.

2013 - My Mom and I during her visit to Far North Queensland in 2017.

What To Expect From Me

I have achieved a lot over the years. I have so much more that I want to achieve!

I am quiet yet outgoing. At first, when we meet, I am reserved. However, once you get to know me, you will understand that I can say inappropriate things at inappropriate times. I don't do this to me rude; I do it to lighten the mood. I love to laugh. I love to make my family and friends laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. I can laugh at myself, and I do... A LOT. I accept myself for who I am, and I am happy to be me - imperfectly perfect.

Here, in this space of working with women at loving and accepting ourselves while reaching our health and wellness goals, is where I am by far the most authentic me. I dig deep down into my core being to give you the most real, honest version of me that I can be. What you see, read and what I offer on here is for you (ok and me because of that 'feeling'). This is me being the best possible me where I empower, motivate and support you so you can be the best possible you. This, here, is what I love.

My Beliefs

I am a certified Health Coach. I am not sure if 'Coach' is the right word. Since becoming a Coach, I have run into many people, my peers, who don't like to be called a Coach. Well, I am not sure what to call what it is that I do. I don't mind what you call me; a coach, mentor, personal cheerleader, supporter, motivator or someone who just wants you to love you.

I believe in balance. I don't like extremes. It is not all or nothing, it a bit of everything. No sugar diets, all proteins diets, the five and two diet - unrealistic (to me). Yes, all 'diets' are crap ... it's a lifestyle you are after! A lifestyle means that you aren't avoiding anything. The trick is finding the lifestyle that works best for you and your family. I truly believe when you know who you are and love yourself for who you are, you can be the best you. To be the best you, you need to be made up of balance - the right amount of what you think is 'good' and the right amount of what might you think is 'bad' but you need anyway (which is OKAY!!). AND the trick is to know this and own it.

2015 - Mark and I having pizza and beer after softball (moderation: movement, fresh air, friends and junk food - 3 out of 4 isn't too bad!) in Buffalo, NY.

2015 - Mark and I having pizza and beer after softball (moderation: movement, fresh air, friends and junk food - 3 out of 4 isn't too bad!) in Buffalo, NY.

It took me a while to find the balance that works for me. I don't always get it right every day because sometimes life gets in the way of living. BUT, I don't let it get me down and every day is a fresh new start. Even lunchtime can be a fresh start! You don't have to wait until Monday.

If something about me resonates with something about you then LETS CHAT! Click the button below and contact me today! I look forward to laughing with you.

Coming soon - it's Ruff writing this stuff

Coming soon - it's Ruff writing this stuff

Zucchini Pasta Time!

Zucchini Pasta Time!