5 Ways To Age With Grace

5 Ways To Age With Grace

It’s my birthday month!! I know I have said this all over social media and to everyone I know, but I do this for a reason. I do this because I am living in Cairns and the farthest I’ve been from my family and friends. I do this, so I don’t feel lonely and to remind my family and friends that I am here and I want to celebrate. To me, making a big celebration out of my birthday is the positive way to say that I‘m here and I want to sing, dance and laugh as I celebrate with as many people as I can. I also give myself a month since we are currently a little way away from those I love most.

This year I turned 35, and I have been wondering what I have I achieved in my life. I think back, and I have a lot to celebrate. I’m not going to lie, last week I started to get a little in my head about becoming a year older and was feeling a wee bit down on myself because I didn’t think I had a lot to celebrate. Then, I looked closer, and there was so much to celebrate.

Birthdays bring up emotions, some good and some not so good. I believe, there are a few things that you can focus n to help age gracefully.

5 Ways To Age With Grace

5 Ways To Age With Grace

I think to age with grace you have to take a good look at yourself from the inside out. I believe, five fantastic ways are to create goals that challenge you, accept yourself for who you are and what you believe in, live a balanced lifestyle by giving everything important to you a priority, exercise for your mental and physical well being and celebrate yourself.

Create Goals That Challenge You

Set yourself goals and hold yourself accountable to go after and achieve them. Having goals that push you outside your comfort zone. By wanting more and pushing yourself to achieve your greatness will keep you in a growth mindset so that you are always changing and evolving. It is more graceful if you are open to this change.

Accept Yourself

Below are some of my favourite quotes, and if you have followed me for a while, you will probably be able to recite them with me:

  • Be you.

  • Own You.

  • You are imperfectly perfect the way you are.

  • You are worthy.

  • You are beautiful inside and out.

  • Be you.

  • Own you.

This is my favourite topic to discuss, go over and see my clients grow from. It is inspiring to watch the ‘ah-ha’ moments and growth that comes from learning to fully loving oneself for who they are. To love yourself, you have to know yourself. To know yourself, you have to understand and live a life that aligns with your beliefs. If you are unsure of your beliefs, sometimes the best thing to do is figure out what you don’t believe in first.

To love yourself for who you are, I believe, is one of the best ways to help yourself age gracefully.

Live A Balanced Lifestyle

Finding your balance comes from loving yourself and knowing who you are. If you have watched my video on Love Buckets, this aligns with making sure all your love buckets are as full as possible and knowing when to top some buckets up.

Living a balanced life doesn’t necessarily mean your work life balance is 50/50. I believe the split is different for everyone. It depends on what you believe in, what your day to day consists of and what your goals are at any point in time.

As an example, my split is always changing but centres around my health, exercise, family, clients, girly time and creativity.

Knowing this is important as you age because it helps you feel fulfilled and accomplished. Living a lifestyle where you understand your needs and how to check in on yourself is important to living a happy, healthy lifestyle.


Movement is essential for our mental and physical state. Regular practice will help to age gracefully with many different benefits.

Exercise helps to produce all the feel-good hormones which help to keep the blues away. Mentally, exercise can keep us feeling younger and healthy by helping us to sleep better, wake up feeling clear to help make healthier decisions.

Physically, exercise helps us to become and stay physically strong which when practised correctly builds healthy joints. As we age, our bodies can sometimes deteriorate before our minds. A regular exercise practice can help our body and mind align for longer.

To age with grace, movement that helps you feel good on the inside and out is essential. It is also vital to start as early as possible.

Celebrate Yourself

Our birthdays come around once a year. Why not take the time to celebrate you? I know that some people don’t like to be the centre of attention or celebrate their birthdays but think about celebrating your yearly accomplishments. It doesn’t have to be a big party but do something for yourself to make you smile, laugh and know you are worth it.

Celebrating yourself and your achievements help birthdays come around and not feel overwhelming or bring up other not so happy feelings.

These are my five ways to age gracefully. I hope they help you rethink getting older as they have done for me. Celebrating you being you will help you age with grace.

If you want to book in a free discovery session with me, to have a chat about weight loss or living a happier healthy lifestyle, click the button below.

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