9 Tips To A Better Relationship With Yourself

9 Tips To A Better Relationship With Yourself

A relationship is a connection you have with yourself, another person or a thing. The connection is a link or association, and this connection can have either a positive or negative influence over you.

Relationships are important to us, and they are something you can always learn and grow from. As we grow up, we learn how to treat people, and we learn how we want to be treated. As a child, I remember the emphasis being more on how to treat others; be kind, no hitting, say sorry and the like. As we enter high school, it is about fitting in and all of a sudden there is the need to impress others and be a certain way. At University is where you are studying to be something that you are pretty sure you want to be and also try and figure out who you are.

Through relationships, we learn how we want to be treated, what brings us joy and what doesn’t. Change is inevitable and understanding that people change and that relationships change is an important part of life.

9 Tips To A Better Relationship With Yourself

Relationships and Weight Loss

Are you ready to or currently losing weight?

Sometimes on your weight loss journey, you have to be open to losing more than just weight. You might have to say goodbye to other aspects of your life that do not serve you or that do not help you reach your goals. Sometimes you have to say goodbye to relationships that do not have a positive impact on you when you are ready to create a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Some relationships that you might have to rethink while you are on a weight loss journey are friendships, relationships with food and your relationship with yourself. You have to be willing to take a good look at what relationships bring you joy and get you closer to your goal and which ones do not. Sometimes letting go of what doesn’t serve you is the most freeing thing you can do to open up and let new experiences in.

Allowing to be more in-tune with your relationship with yourself is the best way to know if a relationship is serving you or not. Understanding your values, beliefs and how you wanted to be treated is critical. Sometimes we learn this by learning first-hand what doesn’t serve us.

For me, my relationship with myself is at an all-time high. Yes, I have had to work on it, and it is something that is never 100% achieved because I am always learning and growing. Some tips and hints that helped me are as follows. I hope they can help you as well because the relationship with ourselves is that important.

9 Tips To A Better Relationship With Yourself

The Most Important Relationship

The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. To understand more about the relationship you have with yourself, ask yourself these questions:

- Are you kind to yourself?

- Do you talk nicely to yourself?

- Do you take practical steps to go after your dreams?

You may not realise how much fear stops you or that you don’t know how to back yourself when it comes to reaching your dreams. I get it, I’ve been there. As a Health Coach I feel I need to look and act a certain way – but at the end of the day, I have to be me.

9 Tips To A Better Relationship With Yourself

Tips To A Better Relationship With Yourself

1. Be Your Own Best Friend

I believe in the quote, “you can’t love someone else until you love yourself first.” On my journey, when I took this quote and put it to action is when my relationship with myself blossomed.

Accepting that I have to take the time to listen to myself, care for myself and treat myself the way I wanted others to treat me was a turning point.

2. Accept Yourself

A part of being your own best friend is accepting yourself for who you are. You are perfectly imperfect just the way you are, and accepting this is an amazing feeling. Stop trying to impress others. It doesn’t matter what others think of you. The people close to you will know you and love you for you, and that is the good stuff in life.

3. Seek the Same Same

Seek friendships who have a growth mindset, the same values and beliefs as you do and an open mind to change. These friends will be the ones by your side who lift you up and support you along your journey. These friends will take and give

4. Avoid the Selfish Trap

There is a lot of stigmas these days to the term self-love or self-care. People who don’t want to make the time to rest, relax and recharge themselves on a daily, weekly, monthly basis in a way that serves them tend to think that people who do are selfish. The way I see it if it isn’t hurting anyone and it is helping you, if not why not. We are all so different in what we need in terms of self-care. You, do you.

5. Be Kind

Be kind to yourself, friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances and strangers. It is easier to be kind than be rude, mean or hurtful. If you act on negative emotions, you have to think to yourself what is going on in your life to warrant that action.

None of us are perfect, and we can’t say we are going to be. Being mindful to how we are treating others is the best way to practice kindness. Sometimes being the bigger person or taking the high road is the way to go.

6. Healthy Habits

If you implement healthy habits into your daily routine, you will have happier and healthier relationships with yourself and others. Nourish your body and soul, so you feel uplifted, so it is easier to make healthier choices.

7. Positive Self-talk

Practice positive self-talk. Make sure you can listen to how you are speaking to yourself and allow yourself patience, time and compassion to slowly swap out your negative thoughts for positive ones.

8. Slow Down

Take some time just to be. Slow down and listen to yourself to you truly understand who you are and what you want. This doesn’t have to be a lot of time but enough to recognise if you are on the right track or not.

9. Know Your Tells

When life gets tough, and you backtrack on your relationship with yourself, try and understand the tells. Sometimes when you get stressed, overwhelmed or frustrated you can revert to old behaviours. These behaviours can slip in unnoticed, but by making sure you stay focused on these tips, you can understand your tells. Your tells are when you are not focused and mindful of your relationship you have with yourself.

My final advice this week is to love yourself and be patient with yourself. The weight loss journey is simple and it doesn’t have to be difficult but it can be complex. I believe that doing it right is building healthy habits and making changes by looking inward as well focusing on our physcial appearance. If you are interested in starting your journey or diving deeper into your journey, then I invite you to a free Weight Loss Breakthrough Session. Click the button below to sign up.

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