What’s in a Routine?

What’s in a Routine?

The weight loss journey is simple, not easy. It takes determination, motivation, perseverance and patience. When you find the right routine or routines, the journey can become a lot easier

So, what do I mean by all this?

Let me switch it around and ask you this - Ever notice if you go to bed frustrated, you are sure to wake up frustrated the next morning? If something is bothering you before you go to sleep and it plays on your mind, it is sure to affect your sleep as well as your mood in the morning.

I have never been able to go to bed annoyed, frustrated or perplexed and not wake up with the same feelings. These negative feelings or moods are not helpful for a positive weight loss journey since you have to be your own biggest cheerleader.

What’s In A Routine

By creating routines, you are telling yourself what is important to you first thing in the morning and last thing at night to make for the most productive days where you can get the important stuff accomplished. The feeling of accomplishment is important to keep motivated to reach your goals, especially your weight loss goals. However, since weight doesn’t fall off overnight, sticking to routines is a great way to feel accomplished while on your weight loss journey.

I believe a solid morning and night routine is beneficial because they keep our mindset in check, make sure we accomplish what’s important to us and keeps the morning and night time simple. I have my morning and night routines in place, and they do nothing but benefit me on my weight loss journey.

What’s in a Routine

Morning Routines

Morning routines are beneficial because they set you up for the day ahead. If you are up early and accomplishing what is important to you, then you start the day off on the right foot. Some things and stuff to think about putting in your morning routine are as follows:

  • Wake up early

  • Warm lemon water

  • Meditation

  • Eating a healthy breakfast

  • Journal

  • Working out / movement

  • A bit of quiet time

  • Family time – a specific activity

  • Getting ready for the day, so you feel like your best self

My weekday routine is quite similar to my weekend routine only because what I have in my morning routine is something that I don’t like to go a day without doing. I feel a little unfulfilled when I miss or skip something that is in my morning routine.

What’s in a Routine

Night Routines

Night routines can help us go to bed with positive vibes to help wake up with positive vibes. If you end your day and reflect on the good stuff that happened throughout the day, you can set yourself up for a great tomorrow. Some things and stuff to think about putting in your night routine are as follows:

  • A shower or a bath

  • Read

  • Journal

  • No cell phone time

  • Meditation

  • Alone time with your partner

  • Nightly facial

  • Stretches

My night time routine is very simple. I have an alarm on my phone go off when I want to start getting ready for bed. I try not to look at my phone much after that, and I do what’s on my list. It’s a bit more relaxed than my morning routine as I change up what I do at night, but I make sure I go to bed feeling thankful for my day. My aim is a positive mindset, so I wake up with a positive mindset to kick off my tomorrow.

How To Set A Routine

So, you aren’t sure how to go about setting a routine – morning or night for yourself. You have some ideas, but what if it doesn’t work? What if you fail at implementing a routine, will you then fail at your weight loss journey?

Like your weight loss journey, setting a routine takes time, consistency and patience. Try what you think will work for you, reflect on how it went and tweak it until you have something that flows and comes easily to you and your family. Everyone is different so what works for me might not work for you, but do what brings you joy and sets you up for a productive day and night.

The weight loss journey is simple, not easy. The journey can be difficult because it is different for everyone. It is not always easy figuring out what is going to work best for you since we are all so different. Book your free Weight Loss Breakthrough Session with me below and we can talk everything from routines to nutrition to sleep to movement. Let’s do this! Book now and I look forward to chatting with you soon.

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