10 Tips To Help You Start Today

10 Tips To Help You Start Today

When wanting to achieve anything, the hardest part is starting. This is pretty much summed up into fear—fear of the unknown. Did you know the feelings of fear and excitement can be swapped out because they are that similar?

We live in a time where we seem to pick our habits and then we run on autopilot. Fear can creep in when we want to change, especially when that change will impact on our loved ones around us.

What is the best way to make a change, you ask? Let’s keep it simple—start today. Start. Yes, just start doing something that will get you close to your goal. It doesn’t have to be big, it doesn’t have to be life-altering. Starting is key.

Kely Drobek habits

How do you start? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here are 10 tips to get started today. Whatever your goal, keep in mind these 10 tips to help make whatever ‘it’ is that you want to achieve, happen.

10. Figure out what it is that you really want to achieve—set your goal

Ask yourself what do you want to accomplish? Make sure your goal is aligned with both your head and your heart. You will feel it in your gut if you are on the right track.

9. Break your goal down into milestones

Break your goal down—remember slow and steady wins the happier, healthier lifestyle race.

8. Understand that it will take time

There is no quick fix for health and wellness goals—no magic pill. Change takes time and patience.

7. Do something every day to be one step closer to your goal

Make a plan to do something, even if it is small, every day. To build a new habit, to make a change consistency is key.

6. Remind yourself of your milestone

Add a reminder around the house or in the car to keep the milestone that you are working to in the forefront of your mind. Being mindful of your goal will help you to achieve it.

5. Add a trigger

Add something to your routine that will help remind you to do what it is you have to do to take the one step forward every day.

4. Allow error

We are human. If you miss a day, don’t give up. Allow yourself imperfection and understanding so you can pick it back up tomorrow. Being human is being able to practice self-forgiveness and acceptance.

3. Give yourself a timeframe

Keep telling yourself that a new habit can take up to 3 months because we are human. It is consistency that is key. Keep going by and allow yourself time and patience.

2. Visualise already being at your goal

Prepare yourself for success by mindfully seeing yourself achieve your goal and doing something from having achieved your goal.

Number 1—Do it for YOU

If you are not doing this for yourself, you have less of a change to accomplish what you have set out to achieve. Do it for you because it is the journey of change rather than the outcome which will bring you self-confidence and self-worth.

Are keen for a change and ready to take action now but not quite sure where to start?

Don’t let your fear get in your way. Click below to sign up for a complimentary Strategy Session.

This session will take you through these tips to start and make sure you can set and achieve your happier, healthier goals. The outcome will be about you being on your way to knowing who you are, knowing what change you want and starting the change with the right motivation and accountability to kick any self-doubt to the curb.

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