Why I Don't Want To Be A Health Coach

Why I Don't Want To Be A Health Coach

Oh My Goodness! What a rollercoaster.

Honestly, I dont care what you weigh, what you look like or what you are doing to try and lose weight.

My thing is eat the damn cookie and then we can talk about why you wanted the cookie.

What I care most about is—Are YOU happy? and how can I help you find YOUR happiness? If it’s eating the cookie and understanding—perfect.

Happiness is key. AND I don’t mean that mental state of being blissfully unaware of how unhappy you really are—that look at my have my life together fake shit happy, no real happiness.

Happiness—I mean the state of contentment when you wake up thankful for where you are, who you are with and what you are doing. I care about if you can look in the mirror and genuinely smile at yourself.

So many of you out there think that when you hit a certain number on a scale or a size dress or stop eating certain foods or food groups, you will be happy. I’m sorry <insert incorrect buzzer noise here> IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!! If you focus on the number or whatever it is and you begin to obsess over it… hello! unhealthy! This behaviour is the unhealthy behaviour at the other end of the spectrum. Essentially, you drive yourself even further away from being happy.

This crap is why I can’t… won’t be a ‘weight loss’ health coach anymore. 2020—let’s change!

Forget the diet. Forget the fad. Forget everything you’ve tried in the past. If you know me, you know my favourite saying…. Let’s get back to basics!! Weight loss is simple, not easy!!

I’m not going to talk about weight loss anymore. I’m going to talk about being happier and healthier. I say it all the time and they are the words that ring true to me. I can help you get to that place in your life where you are living a happier, healthier lifestyle and feeling amazing about who you are in the skin you are in BUT it cannot be about your weight. Yeah, it plays a part…. but its one tiny tiny part that we all fixate on way too much.

I’m talking about the journey. The journey….so you say goodbye to the ‘number or size’ and say hello to your feelings!!! You're probably thinking what the feeck?! bad word alert!! Bad word alert!! One of my new “F” words—feelings!!! Yes, pay attention to your feeling and you will FEEL better, look better and create a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Yup, who is with me???

So why am I being so blunt right now? So much has happened in the last 6 months that I don’t know where to start…. but the one thing I do know is Im sick of people putting people down—especially women!

I believe a truly happy person doesn’t put others down, they lift them up.

I also believe that people, especially woman who put others down are the people who are blissfully unaware of how unhappy they really truly are. So much so that if you talk about self-care to them, they might just follow you into the printer room to solidify (in private I might add) how happy and full of self-care they really are. WOW—I was gobsmacked—Lady, you are so miserable you are lying to yourself! She was busy, not happy.

And let me state for the record: Being busy does not mean you are happy. It means you are blissfully unaware of how unhappy you really are.

Ok, back on track….Let’s all be more aware of what we say, how we say it, the habits we keep, how we talk to ourselves and how we treat ourselves and others.

Im not saying everyone is an asshole. Ok, well maybe at times—we all have our bad days. But the point is that we all need to be kinder because we only know a little bit of everyone’s story. We can make assumptions—which I say if you assume, you can make an ass out of yourself, but we will never know someone’s full journey.

So now I find myself thinking about you….Do you want to be skinnier or do you want to be happier? Do you want to be a size 8 or 10 or do you want to love yourself? Do you want to squeeze into clothes for the sake of wearing them or do you want to feel amazing in your clothes?

See the difference?

Ditch the diets.

How? Come with me and build happier habits and a loving lifestyle.

It’s about you. A holistic (woohoo term, I know) but it has to be about YOU! Your likes, dislikes, values, hobbies, current lifestyle, daydreams, favourite foods, stress, feelings (AHH Fecking “F” WORDS!), relationships, priorities, obligations, goals, routines, HABITS…all of the above

I cannot stress how every single client I have had is so unique. It’s time you understand how amazing you are for being yourself so you can have the happier, healthier lifestyle that you dream about when you are awake at 2 am and pissed off at yourself because you haven’t achieved it yet. Now is the time.

Feck it, I am imperfectly perfect. Yes, I have flaws… many but I show up every day and I try my fecking best. I shine because I am me. I can do this and help others because I am me. I can make others shine because my light has gone out before and I lit that sucker back up twice as bright.

If you know me, you know I’m the self-love Queen. II can sell you weight loss which is what you want but I will ultimately give you self-love because it is what you need. I’ll be that bullshit slayer and tell you the truth… its the journey… it is really about loving yourself and building the right habits and rotuines—getting back to basics—so you FEEL amazing!

I believe in the power of being positive… especially self-talk.

I believe in knowing who you are you and owning the shit out of it.

I believe in personal growth and how everyone has the potential to grow and change.

I believe in good communication to yourself and to others—you know….being the bigger person.

I believe each of us is a unique individual and we need to let our unique-ness SHINE!

I believe happier, healthier lifestyles comes from the inner need to change who you are because for some reason you have been holding yourself back.

It’s time.

It’s time to change.

Let’s start now.

So no, I’m not going to coach you for weight loss. I’m going to be real and say, let’s work together for a happier, healthier you… let’s find the lifestyle that gives you time, energy, less stress and a full nights sleep!

I present to you: Love Yourself, Change Your Life!

I’m opening up my new and improved program that runs for 6 weeks. This is the program you forget everything you have learned from dieting, you give yourself a clean start and you go back to basics. You have me one-on-one for 6 weeks to chase your dreams by planning big, being true to you and starting. Did I mention the 12 week follow up? Yup, you don’t just get the program, you get personal one-on-one follow-up as well! 

10 Tips To Help You Start Today

10 Tips To Help You Start Today

Changing Habits

Changing Habits