FAT - The new 'F Word'

FAT - The new 'F Word'

The New'F Word'.png

Ladies, stop calling yourself the Fucking 'F' Word. Yes, Fat! If you don't want to hear your best friend say it about herself, then why say it about yourself?

Ladies, we have to stop calling ourselves fat!

I am happy to say fuck. I avoid saying the 'f' word, fat, as much as possible. My heart hurts when I hear anyone call themselves or anyone else fat.

What does it prove?
Let's think about it.

What does it accomplish?
Let's think about it.


This is not ok!

The word fat is an adjective: (of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh.

I believe that if you are calling yourself or someone else fat that is worse than telling them to fuck off or having someone tell you to fuck off.

Best friends are best friends because we lift each other up. All women (and men for that matter) should lift one another up and not put each other down. There is no good in saying the 'f' word to someone... ok maybe if you are talking about avocados but I'm sure you understand my point of view right now.

If you wouldn't want your best friend to call him/herself fat because you love her for who she is, inside and out, faults and all then why is it ok to call yourself or someone else fat?

It's not ok! It has to stop!

By calling yourself or someone else the 'f' word, you are inadvertently teaching younger generations that that behaviour is ok. There is a possibility that you are also crushing your own or someone else's health and wellness journey.


I was visiting friends not long ago. My friend Ann and her little daughter were having a moment. Ann's daughter wanted to zip up her jacket she was wearing. A lovely gesture from the little one as Mummy always helps her zip up hers. Ann made a passing comment about herself and the 'f' word because her jacket was a bit small for her. Ann said the 'f' word about herself so nonchalantly. I believe it was a throwaway comment and Ann honestly thought nothing of it.

In the same moment, my heart hurt. It was a big something to me.
A. My friend is not fat.

B. Ann might not be where she wants to weight wise, but she is right where she needs to be at this moment. She is raising a gorgeous little daughter, and it looks like hard fucking work.

C.  Ann taught her daughter that it is ok to use the 'f' word without realising it.



I spoke up. I told my friend not to say the 'f' word in front of her daughter. Ann looked at me in horror. Oh yeah, these friends don't swear (and side note... I love them to bits for not judging me because I do). Ann looked at her husband, and he looked at her. They were trying to decipher what the fuck I was talking about. They agreed no curse word was said and then I said it, I said the 'f' word out loud, "fat." My friend looked at me with a strange look on her face, and that was that conversation. I honestly don't remember... it was a bit awkward. I'm sure her daughter went on being the cute little entertainer that she is. Ann and I didn't talk about the use of the 'f' word.

I wish I would have talked to Ann more about it.

I would have told Ann that she's gorgeous, and so is her daughter. AND they should tell each other they are beautiful on a daily basis... inside and out. Ann could have said thank you for helping her to zip up your jacket to her daughter. Assist her in zipping up her jacket then pick her up, kiss and cuddles and thanked her. Ann could have chosen to do many different things... but she decided to call herself the 'f' word.

Actions and Reactions

My reaction to this: I wish Ann loved herself through my eyes or her daughter's eyes. I wished that she knew and accepted how amazing she is.

I see that being a Mum is hard work. I am not a Mum (or Mom since I am from the USA). I know little moments happen all the time, and it is difficult to always be in a positive mindset when you are exhausted.

BUT that is where I come in!

Ladies, you can't do it alone. This journey called life is hard. I am here to support, motivate, help, assist and to love herself through all lives up and downs.

If Ann knew she was worthy, the outcome of the situation could have been something a bit more positive. Ann's daughter could have helped her zip up her jacket, and instead of Ann focusing on a negative she felt about herself, Ann could have focused on thanking and loving her daughter for her kindness.

No one is perfect; I get it. I am not perfect, and I don't expect others to be. What I am talking about it the ability to truly love yourself and have a positive mind set. As a health coach, I work with women to achieve their health and wellness goals, mainly weight loss. Through the weight loss journey, we all deal with and over come certain our mindset and our relationships with ourselves. This is the good stuff!

Join me for a free one-on-one Weight Loss Breakthrough Session by scheduling a session time below.

Not Everyone Will Like You And That's OK.

Not Everyone Will Like You And That's OK.

Coming soon - it's Ruff writing this stuff

Coming soon - it's Ruff writing this stuff