3 Revelations After Weight Loss

3 Revelations After Weight Loss

Weight loss is a journey, and you never know what it will bring unless you try. Depending on what your journey consists of you will end up achieving your goals, being in the same state as when you started or worse off than when you started.

Everyone’s journey is different, and I believe, should be tailor to the individual. The more you try and copy someone else without taking your uniqueness into account, the more difficult the journey. For example, I know if I have a lot of dairy, my stomach is not a happy camper, so if I try a weight loss plan that all of a sudden has me eating more dairy than I usually do, I don’t see that the outcomes will be beneficial. When you are accepting o who you are and understanding of what will work for you, the results of weight loss are amazing. The journey is all about you!

3 Revelations After Weight Loss


The revelations that come from weight loss are different for everyone as well. There are so many benefits to achieving weight loss goals, no matter how big or how small. The health benefits alone are reason enough. Some of the negative outcomes of weight loss such as the occasional headaches, differences in your cycle or occasional fatigue, are all effects that can be managed, so the pros outweigh the cons.

Other positive outcomes are the realisations that individuals go through when reflecting back on their journey and if and how life has changed while their journey took place, or while they are in that healthy maintenance phase after the loss phase. Some of the pros that don’t get talked about much are self-awareness, facing fears and life continuing on.

3 Revelations After Weight Loss

3 Revelations After Weight Loss


Self-awareness can be defined as the conscious of knowing yourself and accepting yourself for who you are. As you go through your weight loss journey, you get to know yourself. You start off being quite motivated that you can and will change. You start making the changes necessary and begin to gain confidence and more drive. Possibly, somewhere along the way you plateau or come face-to-face with an obstacle which questions your motivation and drive. When you push through this and come out the other side, your self-confidence is as big as ever, and you are more aware of how much you can achieve in the world.

This self-confidence and self-awareness gives you the strength and motivation to push your boundaries even more by setting another goal, a bigger goal.

I love it when I stay in touch with my clients. Talking with them after they have reached their goals makes me feel ecstatic because of the self-awareness they have. They understand who they are and they are ready for their next challenge. It is incredible to know that I helped them get there. I mean really, they did all the hard work, they figured their ‘stuff’ out in a legit way.

Facing Fears

Before you start a weight loss journey, there is usually a relationship with food that you have to overcome. There are so many different relationships that you can have with food, and everyone has their own to conquer.

The journey is all about overcoming this fear that you are kind of sort of not completely aware of at the beginning of the journey. The relationship comes out somewhere along the journey, and then you start to work on it. It’s facing your fear while getting to know yourself and overcoming a fear while finding yourself. I hope that makes sense.

The outcome of weight loss is usually a happier, healthier lifestyle which means that your relationship with food changes during the journey and an unknown fear is conquered.

Life Is Still Life

I was speaking to a friend the other day, her words stuck with me. She said, “I’m still me, and my life is still my life.” My friend lives a very balanced happy, healthy lifestyle. She is active and eats healthy 80% of the time. She is one of those people who doesn’t take life to serious but understand what makes her feel amazing.

Life is still life. No matter what goal you have, when you achieve it, you will still be living your life. You get to choose the life you live. You will probably look different, feel different and have different thoughts, but you will still be living your life.

Weight loss is a journey that has all different benefits to it. The best outcomes are the revelations that come from the journey. If you take the time and be mindful about who you were when you started the journey, reflect on the different lessons you learned along the way and who you are now, the outcomes are priceless.

If this entices or motivates you to move forward on your journey, please leave me a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts on weight loss revelations. If you want some habits to work on, download your free 10 Happier, Healthier Habits checklist by clicking the button below.

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