3 Tips To Drink More Water

3 Tips To Drink More Water

If you are on a weight loss journey, everywhere you look you will see calls to drink more water. This is because as humans, we are made of around 60% water. The daily recommended water intake for women is approximately 10 - 12 cups of water and 12 - 14 for men. This does all depend on many different factors.

The best way to start drinking the recommended water intake is to figure out how much you are currently drinking and slowly try and add more water into your daily routine. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, you just have to try.

3 Tips To Drink More Water

Benefits of Water

There are SOOO many benefits to drinking water. Some benefits of drinking water are, but not limited to:

- Happier mood

- Better cognitive and motor skills

- Better memory retention

- Promotes healthy weight management

- Flush out toxins

- Improves skin and your complexion

- Helping maintaining regularity

- Boosts your immune system

- Prevents headaches

- Improves heart health

3 Tips To Drink More Water

3 Tips To Drink More Water

There are so many tips and tricks out there for drinking more water, and I wanted to share with you what worked for me. The 3 tips are to start your day with water, pimp your water and love your cup. Simple, yet effective.

1. Start Your Day With Water

I start my day with a glass or two of water first thing in the morning. I do this by going to sleep with a glass of water next to my bed. I never noticed how thirsty I was in the mornings until I started to be more mindful about starting my day off with water.

These days I currently have a jar of water next to my bed, and it equals a bit more than two cups. I drink that when I wake up while I am getting ready to go out walking with the dog. My partner Mark is lovely, and while he makes himself a coffee, he makes me hot lemon water in the morning in my favourite mug which equates to two more cups.

Therefore, I am drinking a litre of water in the morning before having breakfast. Water in the morning helps me remove brain fog, feel lighter and lift my mood. This didn't happen overnight, but I can certainly feel it if I don't drink water in the mornings now. I do feel more, and I tend to be a lot lazier throughout the day.

So how do I drink water in the morning? I put a full glass by the bed. You could try leaving a cup next to your bed or in the bathroom to remind yourself. You don't have to do the same as I, but you can tweak the habit somehow to work for you.

2. Pimp Your Water

I came up with this saying a few years ago when I was trying to instil new habits of drinking more water. It was when that car show, pimp your ride was a bit more popular. Anywho, that's where pimp your water came from.

A lot of people say they don't like the taste of water and think that is a great excuse or reason not to drink more of it. I wanted to come up with a catchy way that made people want to try to drink more water and have fun with it.

To pimp your water, you have to do one thing to your water. You have to be creative and add something healthy but satisfying to your water.

I add all kinds of citrus, herbs, herbal tea and/ or vegetables to my water to give it a new taste and enjoy the refreshing drink. I have used everything from a peach herbal tea with lime to rosemary and cucumber.

Pimping my water depends on my mood and how creative I am feeling. I love green tea and blueberries in my water as well as a bit of watermelon, cucumber and lime (juiced) and added to water.

You can pimp your water however you feel you need to change it up to help you drink more water throughout the day. How do you think you will try and pimp your water?

3. Love Your Cup

I drink more water when I love the cup I use.

Silly? Possible.

Simple? Yes.

Does it work? Yes.

Right now I am obsessed with glass jars that hold about 2 and a quarter cups of water. Yup, exactly, like a jam jar. I have it with me wherever I go around the house. It is never too far away. I love filtered water, but if I am running here and there and busy, I am happy with cold tap water as well. As long as I don't have think to myself to get up and get more (which let's face it - stops us from drinking water at times because we can't be asked to get up) and its always right there, I am good to drink.

I have favourite jars, water bottles and mugs I use. Yes, mugs. I love having bigger cups because they hold more water. The more water a mug or cup holds, the less walking to and from the kitchen that I have to do.

So, I am more of a mug person than a cup person, but use whatever works for you. Do you have a favourite cup? Do you know where you bought it from? Can you go buy another one or two of them?

Definitely find a water bottle, cup, mug or jar that you like and it can help you to drink more water.

Bonus Tip

Leave cups all over the house for when you are home so when you walk past them, you think to drink it. If you are at work, you can have a cup on your desk to drink and fill up throughout the day and have a full water bottle there ready to go into any meetings that pop up.

Do you have tips and tricks that you use to help you drink more water? Please leave your suggestions in the comments below. I love to learn new ways to help everyone stay hydrated.

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