Weight Loss Mindsets

Weight Loss Mindsets

To me, you cannot or will not lose weight and keep it off until YOU are in the right mindset. Our mindset is the trick to being able to understand what we REALLY want.

Our mindset is our beliefs, values and goals of the world and ourselves place in the world. It is essentially how we see ourselves and where we fit in the world.

There are a whole range of types of mindsets. If you would like to learn a bit about 15 mindsets, head over to my Facebook Page and watch or listen to The Daily Squeeze Take 42: Types of Mindsets.  

Weight Loss Mindsets

Weight Loss Mindsets

You will want to lose weight for 1 of 2 reasons:

1.    You want the extra weight you have on you gone. Now. You will do whatever it takes in the short term to deprive yourself and get the weight gone.

2.    You want to lose the extra weight that you are carrying around gone for good. You want to figure this out. You know it will be difficult but worth it.

Weight loss is a journey that you go on with yourself. I believe if it is done right, it will have a big influence on your outer self or your physical appearance as well as your inner self or your mindset (mental and emotional).

If you want it done and it doesn’t have to be done right, it means you are only working on your physical self. You will get it done at whatever cost even though it might be at the detriment to your mental and emotional state. This way could give you a result however it might not stick or actually give you what you were REALLY hoping for.

I believe that in Option 1 you are not going into your weight loss journey with the right mindset. Option 2 is more along the lines of the right mindset… you could be a bit different because everyone is unique and you will have your own spin on it, but for lasting results, you will be more in line with Option 2.


My Mindset Into Your Weight Loss Journey

When I talk to people, potential clients as well as my clients I wait until I hear certain keywords which makes me want to work with them. Yes, it’s a two-way street. I want to work with people who want the same outcomes and goals as I have. This is because I want to achieve results, help change someone’s life and make sure that I CAN help them.

Weight loss might be the initial goal because carrying around extra weight is what is typically bothering a lot of people on the surface. Try to dive deeper; ask yourself why? Why do I want to lose this extra weight, a lot of different emotions and feeling can surface.

Some of the answers I get when I dive deeper are:

I feel like I have lost myself and I want to find myself again.

I don’t have the confidence, and I want to feel more confident.

I don’t fit into my clothes, and I want to feel good in my clothes again.

I want to know what healthy habits will work for me to lose weight and keep it off.

I want to live a healthy lifestyle, and I have no idea what that means to me.

I used to love being me, and I want to feel amazing in my skin again.

My relationship is suffering, and I want to feel sexy again.

I feel like I am unlovable and I want to be happy in my relationships.

All the deeper stuff illustrates what the person is really craving. It could be something like listed above or something totally different. But, there usually is a deeper reason why someone wants to lose weight. 

Weight Loss Mindsets

Mindset Shifts

This blog might have you thinking about what it is you REALLY want. Weight loss might still be at the forefront of your results. This is ok. This is good.

Whatever your deeper underlying goal or weight loss goal is, there are certain mindset shifts that you can choose to implement to help reach your goals.


Where is your mindset now?

Did you have a look at the Types of Mindsets and do you know where you are?

How is your self-talk? Do you talk positively about yourself to yourself and others?

What do you want in the long term?

What is the deeper reason that you want to lose weight?

Why is this important to you?

Set Clear Goals and Milestones

Write down, talk about, shout, draw out your goals. Those who set their goals out on paper and talk about their goals are far more likely to achieve them.

Once you know what your goal is, break it down into milestones.

For example:

Your goal might be to build a healthy lifestyle so you can lose weight and keep it off. Your milestones to your goal might be to get 8 hours of sleep, change your mindset of foods are good and bad, consistently eat a healthy breakfast and move for 20 minutes 3 times a week.

This example is building healthy habits to create a healthy lifestyle. One habit at a time will help you achieve weight loss over time that will stay off because you won’t be depriving yourself of anything and you will be able to work at figuring out how to create the habits over time.

Gratitude Exercises

Having gratitude is being appreciative of what you have – people, things, moments in your life. Some gratitude exercises consist of:

-    writing down what you are thankful for

-    say daily positive affirmations

-    have motivational reminders around of your goal/milestones

-    be mindful of your self-talk

Get Support

If you have written down or talked about your goal and milestones, ask for help. Asking for support is inviting in support that you are worth it and achieving your goal is possible.

Support can come in different shapes and sizes. You can ask for support from family, friends and co-workers. Finding a group of like-minded people or a mentor can help support you with the right knowledge and accountability that you could need or want.

A lot of people don’t like to ask for help or support because is it difficult. You are admitting a fault by asking someone for something that you cannot provide yourself. This is ok. This happens all the time. You do not need to know it all or have the answers to everything, and I would you expect you to. If you are trying to do something outside of your circle of knowledge and expertise, asking or help is human.

Getting support, is building your knowledge base so that you can achieve your goal. You may not need to learn everything that is out there in the weight loss and mindset world, just what tips and tricks will work for you. Asking for help so you don’t get bogged down with all the information out there so you know what you can do right away to help yourself will make it easier to reach your goals.

Have you signed up my Happier & Healthier In 10 Habits download? This could be a great place to start your journey with a mindset of shifting the weight for a lifestyle change.

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