3 Ways To Make Gift Giving Grand

3 Ways To Make Gift Giving Grand

Do you feel pressure to get the best presents for your family and friends during the holidays? I sometimes do. And sometimes, I feel like I let people down even though I had the best of intentions when purchasing their gift. Giving used to be about the actual ‘giving’ and not more about meeting the needs or wants of the receiver. Now, I opt not to give a lot of gifts but to spend quality time with my family and friends by doing activities we enjoy. It’s more about making memories.

I wish that the holidays were about the coming together more and getting presents less. I feel like it was like that more when I was younger, but I could be wrong. I like to light up family and friends faces with giving them something they love. I like the thought that goes into thinking and purchasing each person’s gift.

Around the holidays, there can be the added pressure, but there are ways around it.

3 Ways To Make Gift Giving Grand

How To Avoid Gift Giving Pressure

How do you handle gift giving this time of year? Does it stress you out? The deciding what to get, shopping, buying, wrapping... It’s a lot.

There is so much more choice today than ever before, and the decision can make you stressed, anxious or even overwhelmed. This year I have thought of 3 key ways to help you lessen the pressure.

If you feel pressured like I do around this time of year, it is best to think about why the pressure is there, the big picture and the benefits of giving.

3 Ways To Make Gift Giving Grand

3 Ways To Make Gift Giving Grand

1. Budget

Make a plan and try your best to stick to it. The better you plan stuff out, write it down, the better your chance of reaching your goal or having your plan come to fruition.

Understanding your budget before, during and after the holidays is key so that you are less stressed and ready to go for next year.

It is good to make a budget for yourself for over the holidays based on what it is you have planned to do, how much it will cost and who you want to buy presents for and what they will cost you. Knowing your budget can help to plan what to spend on people, maybe even have a little set aside for yourself because we all know that buying presents for others means we can spend a bit on ourselves too!

Once you have your budget, and you understand your finances, you can stress less about money. Spend and do what you can and try not to be hard on yourself when you have to say no or didn’t spend as much as on someone as you think necessary or wanted. It is ok!

2. Know that Giving Is Good For Your Health

The act of giving is healthy for you. It can make you feel happy, alive and connected to others. This act also is known to reduce stress. Reducing stress helps to lower blood sugar, get better rest and feel lighter.

If you think about volunteering your time, you are giving, this act overall makes you the giver, and you feel good for doing this. This is the good, healthy stuff that I am talking about. It makes you feel happy when you give to others. Remembering this is helpful when you are shopping, buying, wrapping presents or spending some quality time doing fun activities with your family and friends.

3. Giving Evokes Gratitude

Ahhh gratitude. Gratitude can be defined as the readiness to show appreciation. It has been said that gratitude is a foundation for social bonds and happiness at our core.

I believe whether you are on the giving or receiving end of gift giving, your appreciation and readiness to return a kindness is brought out. Thinking about gratitude around this time of year when everyone comes together is important.

When family and friends get together, it is usually a fair few people, so if you are mindful about gratitude, you can be mindful about being in the moment, not sweating the small stuff and enjoy the holidays.

The holidays can be stressful but don’t have to be. If you want to have a chat on how to make your holidays the happiest, healthier holidays, click below and sign up for a complimentary Weight Loss Breakthrough Session today.

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