Wrap It Up, Don't Give Up

Wrap It Up, Don't Give Up

The year is almost over, and you may not be where you set out to be. Weight loss is simple, but it is not easy. I say it all the time that weight loss doesn’t have to be difficult but as humans, and if you are like me, you can make things harder on yourself and not know it.

This year is almost over and the holiday season is upon us. This is the time you either throw in the towel and say f*ck it because you are not where you want to be with your weight, so you allow yourself to forget all the hard work you have done and go ahead and enter the GAIN PHASE or you rise up and stay focused, so you don’t allow the holidays to set you back more than you want them to.

Wrap It Up, Don't Give Up

So there it is. You have two choices.

What is it going to be?

Do you want to gain more weight, be more frustrated and be mad at yourself on 1 January 2019 because it will be day one of groundhog year 2018?

Do you want to throw in the towel because it gets too hard because there are more social commitments going on now and food is EVERYWHERE?

Do you want to give up because you don’t feel like you can get through the holidays on your own because there is obviously something that you are missing on this weight loss journey?

Or do you want to face this fear head on and make a deal with yourself to overcome the holiday weight gain?

I hope you picked the harder option!

Wrap It Up, Don't Give Up

Upfront pain equals long-term gain. I honestly don’t believe you would be reading this still if you are choosing to give up. I believe you are here because you are determined. You are here because you are craving some information to help you reach your goal because you know this weight loss goal you set is more than a goal, it’s a lifestyle change, and it is something that you will be mindful about for the rest of your life.

You are seeking a healthy lifestyle, and weight loss is a by-product of the big goal. You want to see weight loss while you are reaching your overarching goal of a happier, healthier you.

You are here because you don’t want the holidays to break you.

You are here because you want to make the healthiest choices possible while still enjoying your holidays.

You want to set yourself up through the holidays for a great start to 2019.

My suggestion: wrap it up, don’t give up. You made it this far why throw it all away. Wrap it up for the year. Weight loss doesn’t have to be difficult. If you wrap it up and make it through the holidays loving yourself more and not gaining any extra weight than that can be a major win going into the new year.

You can be mindful about what you spend, what you eat and what you chose to do throughout the holiday season. Focus on what serves you and what will bring you joy as you enter into the new year with your goal of losing the extra weight that you are carrying around. There is no magic pill, you can keep working toward it, and you will achieve your goal.

Be happy with how far you come. Know the routine you need to do to maintain where you are currently at. Stick to this routine because it will serve you on 1 January 2019. This is wrapping it up. This is celebrating how far you’ve come but allowing yourself to focus on you while maintaining your current weight with the plan to jump back in when life is ‘back to normal’ after the holidays. This is wrapping up the good you have done this year to be able to do more of it next year.

Don’t give up. Get through the holidays. Maintain your current weight. Be mindful of your food choices, how often you are moving, how your body is feeling and what you are craving – water, food, affection or alone time. Give yourself what it is you need. Remember, it is ok to say no to loved ones during the holidays if something that is going on doesn’t serve you. Your happiness is just as important as your family and friend’s happiness.

I can’t tell you the specifics of what it is YOU need right here. But if you click the link below, you can sign up for my January Jump Start. Click the button to learn more and join me in January to kick the new year off with motivation, support and the guidance you need!

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