5 Tells That You Need A Break

5 Tells That You Need A Break

We can set the best of intentions for taking holidays, but, truth be told, a lot of us are terrible at taking them. Holidays are usually a lot of overwhelming family time that can sometimes be not as restful.

I know I am saying this after the Easter holidays, but it is on purpose. The end of year holidays has come and gone and now Easter holidays have as well. It was about three to four months. Perfect or needing a break. So now what for July?

5 Tells That You Need A Break

Why Are breaks Necessary

Breaks from your everyday life are necessary to give back to youself. It’s a pause or a stop and a bit of change to your normal routine to shake things up. Regular breaks from your weekly routines are great for your health in a sense that breaks promote renewed concentration, increase in job satisfaction, reduce stress and are usually about quality family time which sometimes get rushed during our routines.

Some tells to help you know when a break is needed are as follows below.

5 Tells That You Need A Break

5 Tells That You Need A Break

3 Months All Work No Play

When I was seeing a counsellor back in 2013/2014, man oh man did we talk a lot. This was a big time for change and growth for me. My counsellor explained to me a lot of ways to combat stress and initiate change. Part of this conversation was holidays.

He explained how relationships grow and holidays are a great way to bring vitality to them. A holiday every three months, even if only a weekend away, is important how mental health and relationship health.

This was life changing for me because I am the person who saved up all her leave and then took as much time off as possible to go overseas for as long as possible. I took a step back, and I thought about it – he had a point. Weekends away camping or checking into a B&B is fabulous and as important as overseas holidays. The key was obviously boundaries and balance.

To sum this up, some time off or doing something different 4 times a year is achievable and necessary for your overall health. If you have been going constant for 3 months or more, it is likely a great time to get away or start planning for some time away to take a much-needed break.

You Have Trouble Sleeping

Sleep is vital to our health. Without sleeping properly, we don’t recharge throughout the night, so we can do it all again the next day. If your sleep is being interrupted so much that it is causing you to get anxious or down, it could be a big tell that it is time for a break.

A break is essentially a holiday that is the right amount of time for you to switch off, rest (catch up of sleep) and recharge (do something that brings your joy).

You Make Unhealthy Choices To Cope With Stress

If you are stressed, chances are you aren’t thinking the clearest. When we don’t think the clearest, we don’t make the healthiest choices. If you are starting to change your healthy habits to unhealthy habits, then chances are you might need a break to be able to reset.

Your Downtime Is Down

When you do get downtime – after work or on weekends, do you spend all your time being down and out on the couch in front of the TV scrolling? This is downer time. This could mean that you are flat out with work that you need a break to get back to living. Working too much can mean that a holiday is well deserved as much as well required for your health.

No More Enthusiasm

Have you been so busy that you are living to work and not working to live? Sometimes this happens, and we lose our enthusiasm for life. To know if your spirit is down, think back to the last time you had an adventure, belly laughed or smiled at a stranger. If it has been a while – maybe 3 months or more – it is probably time for a break.

In conclusion, do you need a break? Or do you need to start planning your next break?

I have slowly taught Mark this concept over the years and we are now getting better at our breaks. Mark has caught the travel bug with me, so you never know we could be out there somewhere enjoy a break ourselves.

Comment below when and where your next break will be.

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