7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

If you know me, you know I am not a fan of winter. I love the humidity and have moved from Rochester, NY where this is the disgusting lake effect snow to Cairns, Queensland. I laugh at myself for saying this, but I believe I came to Australia because it's warmer. Simple. It’s not a coincidence that in the last few years I have moved north chasing the endless summer. It is because I am not a fan of the cold and I really don’t like what the cold brings about; sickness and comfort eating.

The transition of the seasons can bring about sickness… colds and the dreaded flu. Then once one person has it, we spread it to every other person and their dog because we think we are too good to call into work sick or there is too much work to do. People, we need to learn to stay home and rest and recover and step spreading these dreaded bugs around.

The other problem I see with the winter is comfort eating. If I am cold, I look toward food to warm me up. Warm, filling meal is a must in the winter months because it makes me feel better, allows me to warm up and sleep better. There is nothing like putting on my sweats and tucking into some warm food and being lazy on the couch. I do think this is necessary but not all winter long. If you are like me, we can end up paying for it most of the summer.

Luckily, I have found balance. My 7 tips for a healthy winter is my own story of the habits I focus on to stay healthy through the colder months. Check these out and tell me what you think.

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

1.    Swap Water for Tea

We all know that when we get sick we are told to keep up your fluids, guess why? This helps us stay hydrated. Winter months everything is dryer, and there is less moisture in the air, so water is the most important part of staying healthy and hydrated.

We have to stay hydrated because water is essential for us. We know this. We are always told to drink 8 – 10 + glasses of water a day depending on what size you are and what you do. I like to advise my clients to drink as much as possible. Find your ‘floating’ point and stick to just under it and that is your body saying how much water you need.

Swapping water for herbal tea is a great trick to stay hydrated and keep warm. There are so many different flavours, and you have all winter to find one that you love best.

In the summer, I love a cold glass of water out of the ridge, in the office (air conditioning- cooler temp) I like to mix cold water and hot water, and in the winter, I’ll head straight for the kettle and drink my favourite herbal tea. Who am I kidding? I drink herbal tea all year round, but I do drink it hotter and faster in the winter to help warm up. To me, tea drinking is the best part of winter. Being rugged up in my sweatpants under a blanket with my dog on my lap and relaxing with a hot drink and a book. Yes, please!

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

2.    Wash Your Hands

Washing our hands with warm soapy water often is so important to help stay healthy throughout the winter months. Is there anything better than being cold and washing your hands with lovely warm water?

There are two reasons that I like this habit. It stems from the first habit of drinking tea. The more tea that I drink, the more toilet breaks I need, and the more I get to wash your germy hands. How good is that?

We don’t realise where germs are and how many nasty ones we come into contact with all day. In the winter, this all seems to multiply by way too many because we are all guilty of spreading it throughout the workplace, through the family and even with our friends. And when you are out and about, you never know who has touched the door handle or been through the grocery store. Coughing and sneezing allow the transfer of so many bacteria, microbes and viruses.

To wash my hands, I rinse them and lasher them with soap for a good 20 seconds to reduce the number of germs and then rinse them thoroughly.

 On top of washing our hands more, I also like to keep an extra tissue handy and some wet wipes. Thank you travel size everything which can it in most size handbags.

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

3.    Better, Longer Sleep

Ok, maybe I have two favourite aspects of winter, hot tea and sleeping.

Once the hot summers fade and the colder nights begin, I do find myself cozying up in bed and falling asleep faster. I can get warm and comfortable more easily which allows me to sleep longer and better. Thank you winter!

Unfortunately, if we lack sleep, our immune systems can weaken which means we are more susceptible to catching colds. The health of our immune system is important to fighting infection. Without out white blood cells, we put ourselves at risk. Sleep is so beneficial in letting our body relax and recharge after what we put it through in our busy schedules.

There are many different ways to create a relaxing night time routine to get better sleep. My helpful hints are on my blog, 5 Successful Habits for Better Sleep.

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

4.    Vitamin C Boost

To help keep our immune system healthy, it is important to embrace a healthy diet. When I use the term diet, I do not mean only eat this when you feel sick. These are great preventative strategies. Eating a nutritious whole foods diet and living a healthy lifestyle is important not only in the winter months but all year round.

The nutrition that we eat throughout the day has a direct result on how we feel, sleep and the amount of energy we have. Throughout the winter it is important to keep a healthy, balanced lifestyle with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables on our menus.

I plan out my weekly shops and batch cooking. I try for lovely hearty, fresh meals during the winter that will fill me up and keep me going. I look to stews, soups and slow cooker meals for larger batch cooking and having some or later.

Food such as oranges, guava, broccoli, lemon, brussel sprouts, grapefruit and capsicums are some o the foods highest in vitamin C.

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

5.    Stay Social

Although hibernating all winter sounds like bliss, socialising has many health benefits. Staying social helps to keep us moving and reduce stress which helps to strengthen our immune systems.

Yup, that’s right, find your balance of getting up off the couch, heading out for date night, dinner and a movie with friends or even host a dinner party for friends. This allows you to change up your routine and keep active after a busy day.

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

6.    Keep moving

The dreaded tip. Yes, movement is necessary. If you walk in the mornings, then keep setting that alarm, buy some warmer clothes, and get up, get dressed, crank some upbeat music to get you going and get out for that walk.

We have to keep our hearts pumping and by being active for a minimum of 20 minutes a day can help you feel better, make healthier food decisions and sleep better.

There is no specific movement that you have to do. If you love walking, get up an walk. It is easier to find someone to walk with however or those extra cold winter mornings don’t be afraid to try something new like yoga, pilates, resistance training, aerobics or body weight exercises. You can get together with a friend in the morning or have a solo work out.

If you are in Melbourne, check out the Women’s Wellness Workshop where I will be co-hosting a day with Ainslie Bryce about all things health and wellness. We will even get our stretch on.

7 Tips For A Healthy Winter

7.    Plan a holiday

This is a mindset tip. I love to know what holiday is coming up next and why this thing called life is all worth it. My next holiday away is a small trip to Townsville later this month to catch up with some friends who live in Mackay. We like to meet half way and make some new memories as often as we can.

Planning a getaway, no matter how far or for how long is always a positive way to keep going. Looking forward to something is exciting and energising. This alone sets me up to motivated and determined to keep up my daily grind. These are all positive qualities to keep me uplifted which in turns keeps me making happier and healthier decisions.

The winter blues have definitely got me down in the past and sick. Now, I embrace it as much as I can with new teacups, amazing healthy but filling warm dinners and getaways planned to keep the days flowing with positive vibes. A healthy winter doesn’t have to be difficult; it just takes little tweaks to what you already are currently doing.

What do you do to keep healthy during the colder months?

Are you going to try out any of these tips? Let me know in the comments below.

Have a great winter, and I will speak with you soon.

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