🐶 A Day In The Life Of Buddy

🐶 A Day In The Life Of Buddy

Pets can be so good for us. Mark and I have two pets, they are our fur babies. We have Ruby, our oldest, a ginger cat who does her thing very well. Buddy, our youngest, an energetic Kelpie cross Border Collie who is our favourite. Let’s be honest, we all have our favourites. This happens because we are human.

Don’t get me wrong, Ruby has her moments where she completely, undeniably steals my heart with her surprising unconditional love when she chooses to offer it, and it usually happens at the most perfect moments. This is when I’m not feeling well, feeling anxious or just need some extra love. Her instinct with me is so spot on. It really does melt my heart because I was never a cat person until I met her and renamed her Puppy. And yes, she comes to me when I call her Puppy as long as Buddy and Mark are not around.

Buddy, however, is always there for both Mark and I – no favourite needed, but he is a guys dog. He loves guys. He has an abundance of love or each of us in just the way we never knew we needed it. Yes, he’s a guys dog for sure and loves doing all the guy stuff with Mark like going to job sites and working outside in the garage and on the cars. He supervises from in the car usually. When it's him and I, he chills out in the house with me and rests for playtime when Mark gets home. He loves his cuddles and alone time dreaming of balls, beaches and bacon.

The unconditional love from Buddy (mainly and A little from Ruby) is why I’ve written this blog. I want to share the genuine unconditional love that I feel from Buddy from me to you. I want to share his love with everyone because at the end of the day he makes me feel so loved and happy that it should be shared. He really does complete me in more ways than I will ever understand… primarily because we have only ever spoken to each other in actions, not words. Yes, he knows words/ commands, but actions speak so much louder than words, and he lets me know he is one of the happiest dogs around.

The love of a pet is so pure and gentle that sometimes it needs to be shared. Therefore, to start, I’d like to take you through a day in the life of Buddy.

All photos taken by Coffee and Hops - give her a stalk!!

Buddy’s Morning

Buddy first wakes up when Mark gets up. Buddy goes from the couch to our bed (Mine and Marks bed, not Buddy's bed) and falls back to sleep. Then, when I wake up and go into the bathroom, Buddy wakes up again and stretches his way off the bed. It’s an epic stretch where his back legs are stretched out on the bed not helping as the front half of him which is on the floors walks forward until he his back legs kind of fall off the bed, but he seems to catch them and keep walking/ stretching. He continues with some yoga: downward and upward dog before he greets me in the bathroom to tell me it is time for our walk. His usual talk/ howl of a “Woof Woof Arooo RoRoRooOOO ROOOO.” This chat is the same speech he gives us every time we come home, play with him or get ready for a walk. It makes us laugh as much as we would prefer him to be quiet. Buddy will then patiently lay at the doorway of our bedroom until I'm dressed or keep running from the garage door to the bedroom door talking to me until I am ready if I am taking too long.

As soon as I say, “ok, yup,” he knows it's walkies time. Buddy and I walk anywhere from 3-7kms, and we always hope to see his doggy friends along the way. He is on his lead and off his lead during our walk. He has learned over time to sit and stay and wait for the ‘crosses’ command at each intersection. He is well behaved off the lead, but sometimes he needs a reminder of how lucky he is to be able to run, sniff and use up as much of his energy as he can while not on a lead. I'll stop and crouch down at random times, and he's always watching for me to do this because he runs at me a million miles per hour and almost knocks me over. It’s our little playtime during our walkies. It is great to have a little sidekick to walk with, it’s our alone but together time.

Once we get home, I give Buddy frozen roo mince or chicken necks from the freezer. He sits and waits for me to get it out of the baggy and offer it to him. He’s a gentleman, so he politely takes it from my hand and then runs outside, so I don’t take it back. After his breakfast, he scopes the yard at this point making sure everything is where it should be. There is a walk along the fence and a sniff up around the kitchen window to see what I am up to. He comes back inside when he is ready through his doggy door. He will either lay down near me on the floor if I'm at my desk or the table or lay on the couch next to me if that's where I am.

As my day takes shapes, he finds one of his comfortable spots on the couch to sleep where he can also open his eyes and see where I am. I try not to sneak out of the room unless I feel like playing a sneaky little game with him. I usually take photos and videos of him sleeping in his cute little positions and put them on his Instagram account (@buddy_dayz). He usually moves from the couch to the chair to the other end of the couch to the floor in front of the couch to floor in front of the chair and back to the couch until...wait for it, because this is the most EXCITING TIME OF THE DAY…he hears the garage door going up.

Buddy’s Afternoon

And Mark's home! Hello, spastic dog! From the cute adorable sleeping Buddy to way too much energy that his front half cannot keep his rear half inline and each is going in opposite directions all because of the click of the garage door. I can’t help but laugh at him. Buddy is now up and desperate to see Mark and play. He wants to bring his ball from out the back to Mark who is out front and runs back and forth bumping his head and back into the doggy door (ok, it might be for a small dog more than a medium dog) each pass he takes. He won't sit still or listen if you call him because the spastic action of Dad Ball Dad Ball I believe is the only thing going through his mind. It’s like he doesn't know which way to go or what to do. Pure spastic action.

Mark is always overly happy to see him. Buddy not so patiently barks/ howls his head off at Mark like we are being robbed until Mark grabs his drink and heads out the back because it is obviously time to play ball. Good luck trying to get anything else in the world done at this time of day Mark. Luckily this as much fun to Mark because it relaxes him and makes him smile and laugh. Today, this happened, and Buddy was upright on the window in the dining room trying to get the ball that we were both laughing so hard. Buddy has that much energy, and I can never catch the great moments for his Instagram. Mark and Buddy play ball (soccer) until Buddy is panting so hard he won't give the ball back to Mark. Buddy is great at soccer, he brings the ball back to Mark by pushing it with his nose and dribbling it between his paws. It is so cute! Mark will also throw the ball to Buddy, and he bounces it back to Mark off his nose which is ADORABLE! Buddy stays outside to have a drink and cool down after he has had enough. Two minutes later he is asking for more, but Mark is already in the house by then.

Once Buddy has rested enough outside he will come back inside and want to play with all his other toys. There are stuffed penguins, stuffed Minnie, Mickey and Donald along with a dental bone and a couple different tyres. He bellows out, “Who will play now?” until one of us give him the necessary attention that he so well deems he deserves. He will play if we are keen or help us in the kitchen at this point. Sometimes Buddy is the luckiest dog ever and will get another walkies in with Mark and I. We take him around the block or in the field to enjoy some family time together. Mark and I try our best to keep him active and tired as much as we can.

Buddy loves our dinner time because he begs Mark for food. Mark thinks his puppy dog eyes are the cutest face ever and cannot say no. Buddy is always told to lay down, but when it comes to food, Mark and him have a bond of more food the better. Luckily Mark loves his food so much he will only share a little bit with Buddy and no sugary stuff, just meats (mainly – after all what I don’t see, I don’t know, and it might be better that way). Then it's Buddy's dinner time. Mark or I will feed him. We go outside with him and open his food container to a well-mannered dog who is sitting there patiently watching us as we fill up his bowl. The biggest drool usually forms and falls during this time even though it is only minutes after we ask him if he wants some kibble. We fill up his bowl and make him do a few tricks before eating. He happy obliges, eats his food and does a scope of the yard before retiring inside for the night. He will either play some more or curl up on one of us. He is happy to just be with us now as long as we are in the same room of the house. If we are in different rooms, he will lay in the room in between us.

At about 8:00/8:30 pm Buddy has had enough. He gets up from where ever he is and goes into our bed and goes to sleep. I honestly think this is his way of telling us to get up off his bed, the couch, and go to bed. He does this because he wants us to get out of his way so he can sleep. He will stay in bed with us once we get in for a couple of minutes and get a couple cuddles from us, do his old man growls, “Arrrooooroooo roooo” at us and hop down and head for the couch. A couple time a night he will jump up in bed until one of us moves in our sleep in which he will old man growl again and get off to go back to the couch. I think he just wants it to be time for walkies again. Yes, of course, he has dog beds, but why would he use those.

He is for sure our spoiled child. We would do anything for him because he is fantastic for us. He fits Mark and I so perfectly imperfect that we couldn’t ask for a better Buddy. Without Buddy, there would be a big void in our lives. I hope you enjoyed this and if you have a dog or cat that you love like we love our Buddy, please share your stories below. I believe the world needs more happy pet stories.

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