The 3 ‘A’s To Achieve Weight Loss

The 3 ‘A’s To Achieve Weight Loss

What does it take to lose the extra weight you are carrying around and keep it off? Weight loss is not only about the food you eat and the movement you do but about the mindset and traits you possess as your individual self.

Weight loss is hard work, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. The hard work comes from the behavioural changes necessary to lose the weight over time. Yes, it takes time and patience, and that’s what makes it hard. There is no overnight pill.

Weight loss is also a self-discovery journey, and you have to be ready for a change. To change our bodies physically, we need mental and emotional backing as well. We need the mental determination as well as the emotional grit because for every step forward, there can be two steps back and it is how you deal with the journey that determines the outcome.

I’ve talked about the weight loss phases: Gain, Loss and Maintain in previous blogs. Have a read if you haven’t already, but today I’m diving deeper into understanding the 3 A’s necessary to achieve weight loss. And, yes, if you can’t tell already, I LOVE alliteration.

The 3 'A’s To Achieve Weight Loss

The 3 ‘A’s To Achieve Weight Loss

The 3 ‘A’s to be aware of are: Acceptance, Assurance and Accountability.


Acceptance can be defined as the act of assenting or believing. To accept yourself for who you are, where you are and accept that it is time for a change; this is the starting point. Love who you are now and know that you will love who you become during the weight loss process. It’s time to tweak your image physically. Accept that there is nothing else to do but begin the journey.

Body image is a never-ending discussion with social media today. To accept that you are not Photoshop-ed, you are not perfect, you may never be 100% happy with your body image but its time to try. It’s time to stop looking at images on social media and comparing yourself. It’s time to accept that you have to do the hard work.

Accept the truth; social media images can be fake, and you are real. Accept and love yourself unconditionally now for who you are or be open to accepting who you are and that you are ready to have your weight loss journey help you change physically, mentally and emotionally. Accept you are ready for this journey.

By accepting that you want to change and accepting yourself for where you currently are means that you are ready to accept that change is necessary.


Assurance can be defined as a promise or a pledge. Assure yourself that the time is now. Make a promise to yourself that you are ready for this journey, a journey of ups and downs and backs and forths and that you will prevail on the other side.

Assure yourself that you can do this because this is what you crave; this is what keeps you up at night. Tell your family and your friends that the journey begins for you and it is not a reflection on them, this is for you. Ask them to help support and motivate you by asking if you are meeting your milestones and on track to reach your goal. Ask them to lend an ear if you are struggling and need some encouragement. Ask them to reassure you that you are amazing and you are on track.

Assurance from yourself, family and friends are essential.


Accountability can be defined as the state of being liable. How well will you hold yourself accountable while on your weight loss journey? How well have you kept yourself liable in the past? Do you lose weight and then put it back on?

Now is the time to have a long think about accountability. We have asked our family and friends for reassurance when you need some extra motivation but what about getting the knowledge and support to know what you are embarking on is right for you?

Find something or someone that lights you up to hold you accountable. There are mentors (like me!), challenges, and all sorts of programs out and about these days. Choose what will work for you long term. Think of the weight loss phase as well as the maintenance phase, so you don’t end up in a cyclic process.

Are you eager to start your journey, so you lose some weight before the holidays, be happy with your choices throughout the holidays and get back into the routine after the holidays? Sign up here for a Free Weight Loss Breakthrough Session today.

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