Weight Loss And Love Languages

Weight Loss And Love Languages

I guess you can say this blog is a bit of a book review slash conversation on how the five love languages have anything to do with weight loss and your health journey. In a quick summary, it is all about the love. I believe we need love in our life to be happy and healthy.

Weight Loss And Love Languages

My Book Review

Gary Chapman developed The Five Love Languages to help all of us express and experience love. I loved reading this book for a couple different reasons. The reasons are as follows.


Chapman explained each love language separately and out lined them with examples.


Chapman explains why understanding your own love language is as necessary as understanding your partners. He goes on to illustrate that we tend to communicate in the language that we want spoken to us in. However, it is important to open our minds to communicate to those close to us in their love language as well.

Summary of the Five Love Language

Words of Affirmation

-       Express love by words that will build up who you are talking to

Quality Time

-       Expressing love by giving someone their undivided attention

Acts of Service

-       Illustrating love through actions over words

Physical Touch

-       Feeling more connected to your partner through hand holding, hugging and kissing

Gift Giving

-       A meaningful or thoughtful gift makes the person receiving it feel appreciated and loved

Weight Loss And Love Languages

Love Languages and Weight Loss

I believe that without love, there isn’t lasting weight loss. The weight loss is a journey about self-discovery and proving to yourself that you are good enough and worthy enough for change both internally and externally.

Chapman’s love languages exemplify the different ways to express and experience love. When you know this information about yourself and the people you surround yourself with, then we are more inclined to be loved. Applying what Chapman’s outlines is a whole process within itself, however the goal is honest love.  

Just as food is needed for the body, love is needed for the soul. Osho

Weight loss is not only about eating healthier and exercising more. It’s about knowing what works well for you in all areas of life as well as the nutrition and movement. Getting to know yourself can be scary and daunting and this comes out along the weight loss journey.

I like to define love as finding pleasure in something or an intense happy feeling. When we love ourselves, then our self-confidence is on the up and up. Self-confidence leads to motivation and determination which in turn makes us more confident to do things that are perhaps out of our comfort zones. Doing the uncomfortable things and stuff can lead to making steps forward that can lead to reaching your goals.

Love to me is happiness. Happiness within ourselves means that throughout your weight loss journey you are accepting and honest with yourself. By understanding and accepting yourself, the journey is real. The results are real. The realness mans it will last.

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